fredag 19 mars 2010

Myt: Kroppen behöver kolhydrater vid träning 2B

Och så var det det här med uthålligheten som kräver kolhydrater. Eller gör den det?
It is well known that adaptation to a fat-rich carbohydrate-poor diet results in lower resting muscle glycogen content and a higher rate of fat oxidation [fettförbränning] during exercise when compared with a carbohydrate-rich diet.The net effect of such an adaptation could potentially be a sparing of muscle glycogen, and because muscle glycogen storage is coupled to endurance performance, it is possible that adaptation to a high-fat diet potentially could enhance endurance performance.
Slutsats: Lågkolhydratkost bränner mer fett (fat oxidation) vid träning jämfört med högkolhydratkost.

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